And the next day, made this truly, truly wonderful Apricot and Peach Cobbler to bring to a friend's house for raya. (note: pic was changed from a previous one - this is a more recent try and I think this is what a cobbler should look like!)
Got this trifle from our lovely neighbours on Friday - they were returning my bowl for the pudding I made them for Eid.
Made this fish cake noodles on Saturday.
Gave the boys a haircut on Sunday.
Cooked tandoori chicken and some nasi minyak for my birthday dinner on Monday.
Mmmm, I always love looking at your food pix. They never fail to make me hungry.
I see you tried the apricot peach cobbler recipe. Sedap kan? But got to control the sugar skit laa. N your sons are so cute and very good at posing. My son hates getting his hair cut. My hubby got to hold him still at the barber. Dunno how you do it. Btw, what do you do if your son bites his nails? Or sucks on his fingers?
An official blogwish from moi:
May we stay forever young!
yes, thanks for that recipe - everyone loves it. Over here there's a similar tasting dessert from Sainsbury's which my friends and I love called tarte tatin - made of apples but somehow the spices and cake part make them taste similar. And I hardly reduced any sugar because I do like my desserts sweet - plus, somehow the gula here kurang manis compared to ours - or is that because of the hard water?? I don't know.
As usual, I take my warm and sweet desserts with cool and creamy and not so sweet custard to balance the taste. Memang sedap - this recipe is a definite keeper!
Oh yes, my eldest son used to scream and wail when I tried to bring him to the barber's - that's why I decided to just do it myself - I once took a 6 mth course in hair dressing so I have some basics in that area, although when dealing with kids who don't know how to sit still - you're tempted just to shave everything off instead of trimming and shaping their hair.
My eldest son also bites one of his nails but NOT in front of me. In fact I have never seen him do it but I only know abt it from the state of one of his fingers. I warned him abt germs (little monsters) that might get into his tummy and I tried to convince him that the one finger looks really hideous and hope that he is vain enough to stop biting it...
Thanks dear :) Amin...
Happy Belated Bday Kak Ibah!!!!!!!!!
Hey, I missed the b'day part! Very remiss of me. Sorry for this very belated wish: May you have a blessed birthday and many more to come. May your birthday brings you great joy and pleasure, great health, wealth and peace of mind.
Ooh, am impressed! You can give haircuts! Me, have always relied on barbers and hairdressers. When Mika was younger, used to take him to cut his hair when he was sleeping. But he usually woke up mid way and bawl his head off. But the hairdresser was cool and calm like she's been doing it every day. The barber in Kuantan pun sama. Apparently, when he goes to cut his hair with my hubby, he doesn't cry that hard, but when I am there, he will. So I stay out of it nowadays.
As for the nails, I tried explaining that aliens (things that don't belong in the body) will get into his body. Huh, boy just shrugs it off. I think he's still too young to care.
Halwafy: Happy Belated Birthday :) May this year be a fulfilling one :)
Hehe .. great haircut! your sons look so handsome :)
And your food look so nice too :)
and juju is right, the food pics look so good that they make us hungry and motivated to try them out :)
Recently I finally tried out your cream cheese muffin recipe ... it tasted great but my sis in law didn't like the vege oil taste so for the 2nd batch, i changed it to melted butter but the texture is slightly different and it took longer to bake compared to the recipe with vege oil. Maybe I should just use an expensive vege oil instead of the minyak kelapa sawit?
And could you pls pls include the recipe for your fishcake noodles?
Thanks juju and working mom for the birthday wishes.
Working mom: Frankly, I've tried the black bottom cupcake recipe once with that orig. recipe and it didn't turn out as great as when I used the devil's food cake mixture (Betty Crocker's), although, I suppose, it was ok - BUT not as good. But with regards to the vege oil - expensive or no, I dont think it shld really matter... personally when the recipe says vege oil or sun flower oil or whatever, I just use whatever oil that I have at home :)
For this recipe, I think I will stick to using the cake mix recipe for the cake part, I think (I have put a note of this in one of the comments a few weeks back) because it's just too sedap and too easy for me to do that.
Insh will put that fish cake noodle recipe soon.
halwafy: thanks for your feedback :) I really appreciate it.
Hmm ... I wonder if we have Betty Croker's Devil Food Cake Mix in Malaysia?
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